If, like me, you don’t know your GIFs from your SEOs, or get confused between VLOGs and IG LIVEs, this morning’s Social Media Workshop at Wealden Business Group would have been right up your alley.
Our youngest member, Bekka Carter, is an absolute wizz-kid at SM. What she doesn’t know about MEMEs and DMs would hardly cover the back of a postage stamp. For those of us more senior, less technically-minded members, social media can be a bit of a minefield, so it’s fabulous to have someone so well-versed in the subject who is able to break down the information and dish it out in user-friendly, bite-size portions.
Bekka went through all the different social media platforms and outlined both their benefits and how they operate. She explained what options would best suit different types of SMEs and, by the end of the session, we felt a lot less in the dark, much more able to use SM to our advantage.
A big ‘thank you’ to Bekka for the effort she put into the presentation. We look forward to the workshop Bekka plans to run for WBG this autumn.
Monica Janssens