A big thank you to Bill Ferguson, who runs the Wealden Business Group’s book club.

During the year, all members are given (free of charge) copies of business-related books to read. At “Book Review” meetings, we discuss the book of the moment and the lessons we can all learn about growing a business.
The first selection was Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Kiyosaki, which stimulated a lot of discussion and emphasised that success is only achieved when a business has a clear goal and a commitment to succeed. From the perspective of the group as a whole, it also demonstrated how enjoyable and useful the process could be.
Since then, the selected books have included –
“Factfulness” by Hans Rosling
“The Art of Asking” by Amanda Palmer
“Sapiens” A Brief History of Humankind – Yuval Noah Harari
Surely you are joking Mr Feynman
Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath
Kingpin by Sarah Bartholomeusz
Anything you Want by Derek Sivers
Make People Like You in 90 seconds, by Nicholas Boothman
Alfred Lansing – Endurance
Spencer Johnson – Who moved my cheese?
Seth Godin – Small is the new Big
Tim Ferris – The 4-hour work week
All have prompted interest and discussion amongst members. This focused but friendly approach to business improvement is yet another benefit of being a member of the Wealden Business Group.
The Wealden Business Group book club was founded by Andrew Frisby.