Weds 29th January 2025

This morning’s meeting of the Wealden Business Group saw the departure of Martin Tickner, after 18 years membership, and Andy Jenner, after 7+ years membership. Both Martin and Andy are retiring from their respective businesses.
In his long time at WBG, Martin has both received and given many referrals for his IFA expertise. But in his farewell speech to the group he was clear that it was the connections and genuine friendships that have been a particular highlight of his membership.
Andy, the gardener of the group, sprung his departure on the group somewhat surprisingly, using his turn as this week’s speaker to do so. In his 7 or 8 years in WBG he reckons he has received referrals from no less than 18 members, and used the services of 8. He is looking forward to not having to work in cold, wet winter weather, and to helping with the organisation of events for Maidstone Motorsport Club.
The group will miss their contributions, both in their areas of expertise and in their enhancement of the social aspects of the group. But we wish them long and happy retirements and fully expect to see them again, but perhaps not at 7am on a Wednesday morning!