Wealden women are on the up!
This year WBG has seen an intake of three sassy new members, all of whom are successful business women in a range of widely differing industries.
First social media specialist Bekka Carter, founder of Writeable Dreams, joined WBG early in the year. With her youth, eclectic enthusiasm and SM expertise, Bekka has pushed the group into the twenty-first century, giving us all of us a host of helpful hints on how to exploit social media to our advantage.
Next up is Paula Larter from Making the Difference – Kent. In the year that WBG has chosen Tenterden Memory Café as its charity, this is a really great fit for the group. Supporting those living with dementia and other forms of cognitive decline, Paula and her team provide much-needed therapy and other recuperative remedies to this growing sector of our community.
And now for something completely different; last but not least is Jess Wilkinson from Crystal Business Finance Limited. Jess has immense experience in, and some highly complimentary commendations on, her ability to meet business owners’ finance needs. Big or small, Jess can sort it.
The girls are back in town!
Monica Janssens