The culmination of WBG’s charity fundraising for 2023/24 saw the chosen charity, CARM, return to receive a cheque.
CARM Cheque Presentation
CARM (Caring Altogether on Romney Marsh) is the chosen charity of WBG for 2023/24, and we are delighted to welcome back Victoria Carmichael to present with a cheque for the money raise this year.
Richard Harvey – Juggling Soup
Living with Parkinson’s can be akin to juggling soup, says former WBG chair Richard Harvey as he provides a personal insight into the condition.
WBG Charity Race Night
Raising money for the group’s chosen charity this year, CARM, WBG are hosting an exciting Race Night at This Ancient Boro.
Canterbury Umbrella
Canterbury Umbrella is a Community Hub that provides a place for people to come and relax, meet friends and receive support from our staff, volunteers and other members.
Paul Nolan – Canterbury Umbrella Centre
Canterbury Umbrella is a Community Hub that provides a place for people to come and relax, meet friends and receive support from our staff, volunteers and other members.
CARM Update
CARM (Care Across Romney Marsh) is the chosen charity of WBG for this year, and we are delighted to welcome Victoria back to update us.
Victoria Carmichael – CARM
CARM (Caring Altogether on Romney Marsh) is the chosen charity of WBG for this year, and we are delighted to welcome back Victoria Carmichael to give us an update on CARM’s activities and challenges.
CARM – WBG Chosen Charity 2023/24
Recognising that many people suffer debilitating loneliness, perhaps through the loss of a partner, or through physical disability limiting mobility, CARM works to reduce social isolation through a network of visiting volunteers, and organised social events.
Uprising – Cheque Presentation
Outgoing WBG chairman, Bob Morgan, was delighted to present a cheque to his chosen charity – Uprising.